Let’s get Leo home!

Please help us catch a criminal and bring Leo home!

On November 14, 2018 an older white male entered a business center on the east side of Terre Haute Indiana and stole a valuable art quilt. The suspect walked in and removed the art from it’s display, rolled it up, and walked out the door. He put the art work in his vehicle and exited the premises.
The vehicle is believed to be a 97 Dodge Dakota extended cab pickup truck (V6 sport) dark in color (maybe black)
There was female who remained in the pickup during the theft.
If you have seen either of these individuals or the black pickup truck I urge you to contact the Terre Haute Police Department (812) 238-1661 or reply to this post.
There is a $100 reward for information that leads to the safe recovery of this unique work of art.
Description of art work:
This art quilt is like a large black tapestry that depicts a very colorful lion approximate size is 52×44 (see image)

We are growing!

Lostquilt.com has seen tremendous activity in the past few months. It’s gratifying that there is so much interest and support given to people who have had the unfortunate experience of losing a quilt. When I can report that a quilt is found, we rejoice together, and the good news is shared with great gusto. All this traffic on the website is exciting, as people are coming here to find support, and we are getting results. Just this month (November 2018) two more quilts found their way home!

Lostquilt.com is operated on a volunteer basis, without any monetary compensation. As exciting as it is to be involved in this mission, the operational costs of the website are increasing due to the additional web traffic. I have been asked how one might make a donation. Today I can tell you that a donation tab has been added to this page. Your contribution will help offset the increasing operational expenses and continue to spread the message and raise awareness of the challenges associated with finding and protecting quilts.

Thank you for re-sharing our quilt stories, and for your enthusiastic financial support. It’s an exciting journey we’re on, and I’m gratified you’ve chosen to come along!

Misdelivered Quilt is going home. OK!

This happened so quickly that I couldn’t find the time to post it here before the mystery was solved. In October, 2018 a quilt was shipped from a retail location with the intent to go from one city to another both in Oklahoma. The address label that was created had significant errors. Here’s the message that came to Lost Quilt Come Home. “Looking for the owner. Ihave this quilt. It was delivered to Payless, Brookville, Ohio about 3 weeks ago, with no information on the outside or inside.” Apparently the quilt should have been delivered to an address in Oklahoma, but instead went to Ohio.

A post was created and put on the Facebook page for Lost Quilt Come Home. Before the day was over a Facebook user recognized the quilt as her daughter’s Lazy Sunday missing quilt! After a few lengthy video chats, several text messages, and the support of an active quilting community on Facebook, the quilt is now being safely shipped back home to Oklahoma. OK!

Lost! Two Quilts

Please share! Let’s help Peggy to find these quilts. In her own words: “A very sad quilt thing happened. After I brought home my quilts from our guild’s quilt show, I gave my daughter back the 2 I had made for her kids, my grands. They were in her car along with a bunch of other things to be dropped off to a charity box in Media, PA. Yep! On November 1, they were mistakenly dropped into the box, as well. She has contacted the company and she and they’ve gone through bins and bins of things. Have not found them. We’d love to find them, of course. Please keep your eyes out. They both have labels on them, but were stitched on. The first quilt has a label which reads, Welcome to the World Leo Solomon Butler
The other quilt is labeled, Welcome to the World Talia Rae Butler. Both quilts also have the name of the quilt maker (aka Grandma) Pieced and quilted by Peggy Kushman.
PLEASE share this so, maybe they could be found.
Update: I found out that once the box contents are picked up, they go straight to Glassboro, NJ. From there, anywhere in the world.” ?
If you know anything about the whereabouts of these quilts please send a message tooctopusouphit@gmail.com Thank you!

Lost: Kaffe Fassett baby quilt

Lost Quilt — Please share: Diana Gables is asking for help in finding a quilt she made for her granddaughter. This colorful crib sized quilt is made of Kaffe Fassett fabrics with rows of ducks as the main feature. Diana reported, “my daughter had it at a vacation rental in Eastham, Mass. (Cape Cod) last seen August 7th or so. It is signed to Scarlett Rey Lee from (Mia)” If you have seen this quilt, or have any information about it, please contact Diana at LMM2LMD@PTD.NET

Stolen: Nine Patch and Rail Fence Quilt

Shasta Mantova is asking for help locating a quilt stolen from a parked car in Columbus, Ohio. This nine patch and rail fence quilt disappeared when a friend’s car was stolen. The car was recovered but the quilt was not. Shasta made this quilt. “The person I gave it to was going to take it to his dorm room for his first year of college” The quilt was made from green fabrics, with brown and purple scraps. It was last seen in Columbus, Ohio in September, 2018. If you know anything about this quilt please contact Shasta at highroadquilter@live.com

Missing: Diamond Sawtooth Star quilt

Kathy DeGonia would like help in her attempts to find a queen sized quilt made of teal, white and purple fabrics. In 2002 Kathy’s friend, Ruth, made this quilt for her grandson. In the spring of 2004 a car was broken into at a movie theatre in Joplin, Missouri. The quilt was in a leather bag in that car, and was stolen. A police report was filed.

This diamond sawtooth star quilt has a label with the following information, “made by Ruth Bates for Quinton Batson”. Ruth passed away after she made the quilt for her grandson. He would love to find it. If you have any information about this quilt, please contact Kathy at kcrum1955@gmail.com

Found: Signature Quilt

Donna Boots is looking for help in locating family members of the makers of a signature quilt from most likely the 1940’s. Genealogical research indicates that some of the names on the quilt may have ties to Oklahoma. Donna bought this signature quilt at an auction in New Mexico, in an area where retirement communities are popular among military families, which makes it likely the quilt has been moved from it’s original home.

Mrs. Carl Thompson 3-1-33

Donna’s story, “Years ago I bought a signature quilt at auction (in New Mexico) and since that time I have been trying to find family members so I may return the quilt to them. I have posted messages about the quilt on all the genealogy sites…and have not received a single response. Maybe the power of facebook will help in finding them!

Those of us who are quilters know what a precious gift it would be to receive a signature quilt from our own family…that had been lost!

Some of the signatures on the quilt are:
Honon Nelson
Mrs. Carl Thompson (3-1-33)
Mother and Daddy Benson (1927)
Charline Williams
Irene Thomas
Aunt May Askins
Mrs. Claude Vance
Fred (age 3 ½ July 33)

Please share this with your relatives and friends in hopes of finding this quilt family. I would love to be able to send this quilt home! Anyone needing to contact me regarding this quilt can email me at dbootsnm@aol.com.